
Born & raised in southeastern Pennsylvania, Keith Keyser was brought up in a Christian home and converted at age 7 through a knowledge of his sinfulness and Christ’s sufficiency to save. His gift of teaching was discovered and developed in the local assembly in Gilbertsville, PA where he continues to fellowship.

Keith left secular employment to give all of his time to the Lord’s service beginning in 1999. He is mainly engaged in an itinerant Bible teaching and gospel preachingMore …

Displaying Audio message 151 - 160 of 160 matching 'Messages delivered in 2009 by Keith Keyser'
All messages by Keith Keyser, All speakers from 2009
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Speaker Title and Tags Date Place Lang
Arrow_down Pixel Keyser, Keith Studies In Romans-23-Gilbertsville-2009 ~ Romans 11:33-12:21 Romans -- 2009 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Keyser, Keith Studies In Romans-24-Gilbertsville-2009 ~ Romans 13:1-10 Romans -- 2009 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Keyser, Keith Studies In Romans-25-Gilbertsville-2009 ~ Romans 13:11-14:23 Romans -- 2009 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Keyser, Keith Studies In Romans-26-Gilbertsville-2009 ~ Romans 15 Romans -- 2009 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Keyser, Keith Studies In Romans-27-Gilbertsville-2009 ~ Romans 16 Romans -- 2009 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Keyser, Keith The Family-01 2009-11-06 Durham English language
Arrow_down Pixel Keyser, Keith The Family-02 2009-11-07 Durham English language
Arrow_down Pixel Keyser, Keith The Family-03 2009-11-07 Durham English language
Arrow_down Pixel Keyser, Keith The Lord Jesus Christ as Mediator and Advocate ~ Job 9 Christ Jesus Job 2009-04-19 Fifth Avenue Chapel English language
Arrow_down Pixel Keyser, Keith The Lord Jesus Rising from the Dead ~ Luke 24 Jesus Luke 2009-04-12 Fifth Avenue Chapel English language
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