
John Riddle was born into a Christian family in North London, saved as a boy of 13, and received into fellowship in New Barnet, Hertfordshire at the age of 15. Throughout his business life he was employed by shipping companies, latterly as a pension fund manager. On early retirement in 1989, he undertook part-time consultative work for some years. He travels widely, principally in the British Isles, conducting Bible Readings and ministering the Word of God, and contributes to assemblyMore …

Displaying all 4 Audio message matching 'Messages delivered in 2012 by John Riddle'
All messages by John Riddle, All speakers from 2012
Speaker Title and Tags Date Place Lang
Arrow_down Pixel Riddle, John Davids Warfare With The Philistines And Moab ~ 2Samuel 8 -- 2012 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Riddle, John Haggai 1 Haggai -- 2012 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Riddle, John Psalm 144-Deliverance From Enemy Power Psalm -- 2012 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Riddle, John The Lord Jesus-The Unfailing Servant Of Jehovah Jesus -- 2012 -- unavailable English language