
Malcolm Horlock is retired from service to the government of Wales, UK. He has written articles for Precious Seed, and is a beloved teacher of the Word of God in the UK and North America.

Displaying Audio message 201 - 220 of 243 matching 'Messages with Notes by Malcolm Horlock'
All messages by Malcolm Horlock, All messages in French
Speaker Title and Tags Date Place Lang
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Psalm 2 ~ Coffee Morning Attach Psalm 2014-07-02 Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Psalm 2. 2, 4, 7-12; Matthew 27. 26-31; Revelation 19. 11-16, Jesus mocked Attach Jesus Matthew Psalm Revelation -- 2007 -- Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Psalm 40.17 ~ Coffee Morning Attach Psalm 2014-09-03 Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Psalm 45. 8, The King's Garments Attach Psalm 2013-04-21 Shirley Heights Gospel Chapel English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Psalm 68. 19 Attach Psalm -- 2000 -- Spanish Wells Gospel Chapel English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Psalm 84 ~ Bible Teaching Attach Psalm 2011-08-21 Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Psalm 86. 16, Give Your Strength To Your Servant Attach Psalm 1998-01-12 Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Psalm 91 ~ Coffee Morning Attach Psalm 2014-10-15 Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Psalms 120-122, March 2009 Attach Psalm -- 2009 -- Eastpark English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Revelation 1. 12-18, As He was and as He is Attach Revelation -- 2007 -- Scottlea Gospel Chapel Ontario English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Revelation 19. 1-16 Attach Revelation 2010-02-27 Bethany English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Revelation 19. 17-20. 15, May 2009 Attach Revelation -- 2009 -- Spanish Wells Gospel Chapel English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Revelation 21. 1-8, Eternal State Attach Revelation 2009-03-14 Maidenhead English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Revelation 5. 12-13 Attach Revelation -- 1987 -- Spanish Wells Gospel Chapel English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Revelation 5. 5, The Lion Of Judah Overcomes Attach Revelation -- 2000 -- Spanish Wells Gospel Chapel English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Romans 14. 4-12; 2 Cornthians 5. 9-10, The Judgment Seat of Christ, May 2009 Attach Christ Romans -- 2009 -- Spanish Wells Gospel Chapel English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Romans 15.14 - 16.27 ~ Bible Teaching Attach Romans 2014-12-15 Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Romans 16. 3-23 Attach Romans -- 2002 -- Spanish Wells Gospel Chapel English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Romans 3. 22-24, Redemption Attach Romans 2013-04-07 Shirley Heights Gospel Chapel English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Romans 3.1-20 Attach Romans 2015-04-12 Nassau English language