
Malcolm Horlock is retired from service to the government of Wales, UK. He has written articles for Precious Seed, and is a beloved teacher of the Word of God in the UK and North America.

Displaying Audio message 161 - 180 of 243 matching 'Messages with Notes by Malcolm Horlock'
All messages by Malcolm Horlock, All messages in French
Speaker Title and Tags Date Place Lang
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Mary the mother of Jesus ~ Coffee Morning Attach Jesus Mother 2015-01-21 Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Matthew 1. 18-23, Fear not, Joseph ~ Coffee Morning Attach Joseph Matthew 2011-12-07 Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Matthew 11. 1-19 ~ Bible Teaching Attach Matthew 2008-03-09 Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Matthew 12. 38-41, Greater than Jonah ~ Coffee Morning Attach Jonah Matthew 2013-10-23 Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Matthew 16. 26, What shall it profit a man ~ Coffee Morning Attach Matthew 2009-09-23 Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Matthew 17. 1-2; Revelation 1. 12-16, His Face ~ Breaking of Bread meditation Attach Matthew Revelation 2011-07-31 Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Matthew 17. 1-8, Our Lord's shining garments ~ Coffee Morning Attach Matthew 2010-09-01 Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Matthew 17.1-8, The Mount of Transfiguration Attach Matthew 2015-04-05 Nassau English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Matthew 18. 21-35, The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant Attach Matthew Parables -- 2007 -- Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Matthew 18.1-4, Jesus in the house of true greatness ~ Coffee Morning Attach Jesus Matthew 2014-04-02 Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Matthew 19. 30 - 21. 16, The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard Attach Matthew Parables -- 2007 -- Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Matthew 22. 42, What do you think of Christ ~ Coffee Morning Attach Christ Matthew 2009-11-04 Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Matthew 26. 1-16, November 2011 Attach Matthew -- 2011 -- Believers Gospel Chapel Augusta GA English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Matthew 27. 1-26 Attach Matthew 2013-04-14 Shirley Heights Gospel Chapel English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Matthew 27. 39-42, He didn't come down from the cross ~ Coffee Morning Attach Matthew 2010-11-10 Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Matthew 27. 39-43; Luke 23. 33-39, The rulers and the crowd at the cross ~ Coffee Morning Attach Luke Matthew 2012-11-14 Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Matthew 28. 16-20, The Great Commission Attach Matthew 2013-09-28 Bournemouth English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Matthew 28.16-20 Attach Matthew 2015-04-11 Nassau English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Matthew 4. 1-11,The Temptations of Christ Attach Christ Matthew 2011-02-15 Adamsdown English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Matthew 6. 11, Give us this day our daily bread ~ Bible Teaching Attach Matthew 2010-11-21 Bethesda English language