
Laurence Chambers was born in England, and had extensive ministry in the States in the mid 1900's. He was an itinerant preacher (based out of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida) who had a Tabernacle model (following meticulous Scriptural specifications) that he would teach with at various camps/conferences/churches throughout the country. His impact on many during this time was extensive, and was 25 years + in his Bible teaching. He also lived in North Carolina where he, for an undetermined amount of time, ministered to the Lumbee Indians. He was also know for the book Tabernacle Studies Illustrated, published by Zondervan, copyright 1958, which features a picture of him and the Tabernacle model on the front cover.

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All messages by Laurence T Chambers, All messages in French
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Speaker Title and Tags Date Place Lang
Arrow_down Pixel Chambers, Laurence T The Tabernacle-14 ~ Golden Altar Of Insense And The Laver Tabernacle -- 1956 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Chambers, Laurence T Weddings ~ Genesis 1;26-27 Genesis unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Chambers, Laurence T What Is A Christian ~ Psalm 40:2-4 Psalm unavailable unavailable English language
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