
Jack Hunter (1916 – 1994)
Jack Hunter was born on the 31st August 1916. His father and mother, William and Mina Hunter, arrived in Scotland from Limavady just after the turn of the century when work was scarce. They settled in an area of Coatbridge called Gartsherrie and lived in the houses near the blast furnace works in North Square. William and Mina at that time were unsaved and William was the Grand Master in the Orange Lodge. They had three sons, Glen, Jack and Robert and the boys wouldMore …

Displaying Audio message 1 - 20 of 277 matching 'Messages spoken in English by Jack Hunter'
All messages by Jack Hunter, All messages in English
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Speaker Title and Tags Date Place Lang
Arrow_down Pixel Hunter, Jack 1 Corinthians 12 1Corinthians -- 1967 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Hunter, Jack 1 Peter 2 Spring Series 2 of 2 Label C 60 1Peter -- 1988 -- Rexdale Hall English language
Arrow_down Pixel Hunter, Jack 1Timothy 1 ~ Calgary -- 1977 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Hunter, Jack 1Timothy 1:15 -- 1984 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Hunter, Jack 1Timothy 2 Prayer ~ Calgary Prayer -- 1977 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Hunter, Jack 1Timothy 3 Govt In The Assembly ~ Calgary -- 1977 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Hunter, Jack 1Timothy 3_14 ~ Calgary -- 1977 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Hunter, Jack 2 Timothy 1:14 ~ Ministry From 2 Timothy 2Timothy unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Hunter, Jack 2Timothy 1_1-2 unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Hunter, Jack 2Timothy 1_12 unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Hunter, Jack 2Timothy 1_15 unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Hunter, Jack 2Timothy 1_3-7 -- 1981 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Hunter, Jack 2Timothy 1_8 unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Hunter, Jack 2Timothy 2 And Tim 1_15 unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Hunter, Jack 2Timothy 2_13 unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Hunter, Jack 2Timothy 2_13 unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Hunter, Jack 2Timothy 2_14 unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Hunter, Jack 2Timothy 2_14 unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Hunter, Jack 2Timothy 2_3 unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Hunter, Jack 2Timothy 2_3-13 unavailable unavailable English language
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