
John Stubbs was born into a Christian family in Co. Durham, England, saved as a boy of 11, and received into assembly fellowship in London at the age of 12. Three assemblies in Co. Durham and one in Shipley, Yorkshire commended him to the work of the Lord in 1965, his first labours being in Malaysia until 1969 when he returned to the UK where he continued to engage in gospel work and ministry. In 1972 he moved to Castle Douglas where he laboured for twelve years before moving to Mayfield assembly near Edinburgh. He has served the Lord in many parts of the UK as well as in Australia, New Zealand, U.S.A. and Canada. He has written Is the Bible the Word of God?; Misunderstood Texts of Holy Scripture; The Person of Christ; and has jointly authored a further book on the Person of Christ. He has also written the commentaries on the books of Numbers and Zechariah in the “What the Bible Teaches” series, and has contributed many articles to various assembly magazines. He currently shares responsibility for the Question Box in the Believer's Magazine.

Displaying Audio message 41 - 60 of 105 matching 'Messages by John Stubbs'
All messages by John Stubbs, All messages in French
Speaker Title and Tags Date Place Lang
Arrow_down Pixel Stubbs, John Joseph And His Bride ~ Gen 41_41 Joseph unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Stubbs, John Joseph Of Arimathaea ~ Matthew 27 Joseph Matthew -- 1993 -- Salisbury Gospel Hall English language
Arrow_down Pixel Stubbs, John Last Words For Last Days ~ 2 Cor 13 unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Stubbs, John Likeness To Christ Christ -- 2009 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Stubbs, John Look And Live-Numbers 21:1-9 Numbers -- 1987 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Stubbs, John Mans Day-01 -- 1997 -- Mayfield English language
Arrow_down Pixel Stubbs, John Mans Day-02 -- 1997 -- Mayfield English language
Arrow_down Pixel Stubbs, John Mans Day-03 -- 1997 -- Mayfield English language
Arrow_down Pixel Stubbs, John Mark 1 Mark unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Stubbs, John Marks In Galatians Galatians Mark -- 2009 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Stubbs, John Morning Star Sun Of Righteousness ~ Mal 4_2 -- 1975 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Stubbs, John Numbers-Offerings Numbers -- 1987 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Stubbs, John Overview Of The High Priestly Ministry Of Christ -- 2012 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Stubbs, John Prophetic Events-01 Introduction To Prophecy ~ Gen 2 Prophecy unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Stubbs, John Prophetic Events-02 The Rapture ~ 1Thes4 unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Stubbs, John Prophetic Events-03 Events In Heaven After The Rapture Heaven unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Stubbs, John Prophetic Events-04 Events On Earth After The Rapture ~ Rev 13 unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Stubbs, John Prophetic Events-05 Lord's Return And Millenium ~ Rev 19 unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Stubbs, John Prophetic Events-06 The Great White Throne ~ Rev 20 unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Stubbs, John Prophetic Events-07 Millenium To God's Eternal Day ~ Rev 22 unavailable unavailable English language