
Malcolm Horlock is retired from service to the government of Wales, UK. He has written articles for Precious Seed, and is a beloved teacher of the Word of God in the UK and North America.

Displaying Audio message 61 - 80 of 243 matching 'Messages with Notes by Malcolm Horlock'
All messages by Malcolm Horlock, All messages in French
Speaker Title and Tags Date Place Lang
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Exodus 12. 1-13; 1 Peter 1. 18-19, The Purity of the Lamb of God ~ Breaking of Bread meditation Attach 1Peter Exodus -- 2012 -- Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Exodus 31. 13, The Lord Who Sanctifies ~ Breaking of Bread Meditation Attach Exodus 2013-08-11 Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Exodus 33. 18, Show me your glory ~ Coffee Morning Attach Exodus 2008-05-14 Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Exodus 4. 29 - 11. 10, The nine plagues of Egypt Attach Exodus 2013-04-28 Shirley Heights Gospel Chapel English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Exposition of 1 Corinthians 10 Attach 1Corinthians 2004-01-13 Camp Horizon English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Exposition of 1 Corinthians 11 ~ part 1 Attach 1Corinthians 2004-01-13 Camp Horizon English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Exposition of 1 Corinthians 11 ~ part 2 Attach 1Corinthians 2004-01-14 Camp Horizon English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Exposition of 1 Corinthians 12 Attach 1Corinthians 2004-01-14 Camp Horizon English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Exposition of 1 Corinthians 13 Attach 1Corinthians 2004-01-14 Camp Horizon English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Exposition of 1 Corinthians 14 ~ part 1 Attach 1Corinthians 2004-01-14 Camp Horizon English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Exposition of 1 Corinthians 14 ~ part 2 Attach 1Corinthians 2004-01-15 Camp Horizon English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Exposition of 1 Corinthians 15 ~ part 1 Attach 1Corinthians 2004-01-15 Camp Horizon English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Exposition of 1 Corinthians 15-16 ~ part 3 Attach 1Corinthians 2004-01-15 Camp Horizon English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Exposition of 1 Corinthians 8 Attach 1Corinthians 2004-01-12 Camp Horizon English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Exposition of 1 Corinthians 9 ~ part 1 Attach 1Corinthians 2004-01-13 Camp Horizon English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Galatians 5. 26 - 6. 10 Attach Galatians 2013-04-21 Shirley Heights Gospel Chapel English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Genesis 18. 16-31, Abraham's intercession for Sodom Attach Abraham Genesis -- 2007 -- Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Genesis 2. 8-9, 16-17; 3. 1-7, The Temptation of Eve Attach Genesis 2011-10-26 Believers Gospel Chapel Augusta GA English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Genesis 22. 1-14, Jehovah Jireh ~ Bible Teaching Attach Genesis 2013-06-02 Bethesda English language
Arrow_down Pixel Horlock, Malcolm Genesis 3. 8, The man who hid from God ~ Coffee Morning Attach Genesis 2007-10-31 Bethesda English language